Monday 3 June 2013

See no evil, hear no evil, blog no evil.

So I havent blogged in a while since I blogged because I've been revising but after reading Ulysses' blog I felt like having a good old rant. So I present to you the list of things that I hate (THIS IS NOT THE COMPLETE LIST)

1) Fat people in skinny peoples clothes.
You look like an accident waiting to happen, stop it.

2) People who get offended by things people say.
The world's a tough place, get your balls out of your mothers purse.

3) Top Gear
It's a show full of cunts and if you like it you're a cunt. No acceptions.

4) The enviroment.
I only drink bottled water.

5) Labour supporters.
"Ooh be nice to us, we're poor."

6) Tory supporters.
The offcial twat party.

7) Lib-Dems.
Just give up.

8) Plaid Cymru.
Hahahahaha oh stop seriously hahahahaha oh my ribs.

9) Fucking commas!
My relationship with commas has been a rocky one I dont really want to go into that.

10) People who say "I dont really want to go into that"

11) The word "Magical"
Grow the fuck up.

12) woman who dont wear bras
isnt that uncomfertable?

13) Insects.
Just fucking die.

14) Chris Evans
I cant put into words how much this rabbit looking mother fucker grinds my gears.

15) Ian Hislop
drop off the earth please.

14) Fire.
It hurts when I touch it!

16) People who's names are a combination of two names.
Not like "Tomos Sion" but if his name was "Tomosionos"

17) Lists.

18) Irony.

19) Murder.
there's just no need.

20) endings without a sighn off.

1 comment:

  1. 12 makes me hurl a little in my mouth. I remember an old teacher who never wore one.... UGH! THE HORROR!
