Sunday 26 May 2013

All in Bad Taste. Part 1

Not alot of people know that as a young lad I had terrorfying nightmares that when repeated to my sister a few months ago kept her awake that night. They were a series of dreams that took place over a week and at the end of the week they miraculously stopped. Lucky me, yet these dreams still haunt me heavily to this day because they werent explained. I have no idea what they were and what stopped them. Now I'm no believer in ghosts or past lives so I seriously dont believe there is a deeper spiritual reason behind this. Well I know because I'm not three years old.
 The first dream occured a few weeks after I stopped being an insomniac, and as a child I was scared of my own shadow so obviously a dream of this sinisterness and horror. Can I also just make a point that I was either six or seven. The dream begins in a victorian field with a road down the middle, a castle is seen in the distance, mind you this isnt a creepy field. Just a country field. Rushing down this field is a victorian wealthy girl on a bike having the time of her life being chased by a little dog, not a scary dog. It is genuinly a nice scene. So this goes on for a while until the girl gets bored and turns down into a victorian village, she wanders around for a while until a family confront her and she explains that shes lost, they then agree to take her in until the constable returns from a holiday or something. The girl is having lunch and gets annoyed and snobby (shes a spoilt, wealthy girl) she throws her plate and refuses to sleep upstairs and then the dad uses scare tatics to make her go to bed. He tells her that there is a ghost under the stairs that eats anyone who is downstairs passed midnight, she doesnt believe him and strops on the sofa.
 The point of view changes and time has passed. I am the P.O.V. of a man with black leather gloves, I move slowly and in a horrifically sinster. I make no noises over than breathing heavily and slowly. It is nightime and the girl is watching a fire in her nighty, I slip from behind the stairs and grab a walking stick and creep behind her, I grab a fire poker. I grab her from around the neck with the walking stick and I am no longer stealthy I am violent and sharp and I am breathing heavily and vigourously almost as if I am aroused. I beat her violently on the top of the head with the fire poker and all I remember was the sound of garggling blood and pieces of skull splattering everywhere and her sort of screaming for her mother. I also remember during this bit thinking "Stop, stop, I dont want to do this, this is wrong. Stop please" Like someone was using my body.

I woke up and I was so afraid to even get out of bed, although I was also scared of this mystery murderer I was lso scared of myself because apparently it was me. In the corner of my eyes all I saw was this girl with the walking stick around her neck and the echoing noise of a metal poker banging into a skull. My day was ruined, full of fear. I couldent sleep the next night I was so scared.

It gets worst.

In case this scared you, listen to this before going to bed

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