Saturday 25 May 2013

Arguements where opinions can be wrong.

A lot of people like to say in an argument "Well, I'm entitled to my own opinion" and 9 times out of 10 this is true, however there are some situations where your opinion is just wrong.

1) Saying Star Wars is bad.

Yeah its okay to say there were flaws with the film, but heres the thing; judging by the time it was released it was not only ahead of its time in SFX but in every sense of the word. 'Twas a huge mile-stone in the progression of cinema and had a bigger twist than Sixth Sense (people disagree seeing that watching the prequals totally gives it away but if you watch New Hope, Empire and Jedi then you'll realise how huge it was.) The twist in Empire not only trigger huge media attention with the words "Luke, I am your father!" printed on every bag, T-shirt and shoe all over the globe but inspired so many other twists, all you need to do to figure out the twists in such classics as Fight Club and Sixth Sense is to follow what I call Vader-Logic. If it isnt obvious but hinted at, thats probably it.
 To end this, these films had everthing a film needs and if you dont like than you are automatically and idiot and idiots arnt that fun to argue with. You are wrong.

2) Racist arguments.

We all know racists are stupid. Thats just a given, however there is one old-fashioned arguement that just makes peoples skin crawl. This whole "black/asians/mexicans/arabs/jews are almost a different speices to us whites". Which (I admitt) isnt such a thing in Britain, although in the States and other places it is still considered a liable argument and still gets defended with "Well in my opinion they're like a different spieces." Well no, SCIENCE and COMMON SENSE will tell you there is one  chromosome diffrance in races. "Bu-" , no no. You are dumb.

3) Pizza sucks.

Do I even have to comment on this one?

4) Queen are shit.

What's shit about them? There singer who has one of the widest ranges in history? The guiatrist who is one of the greatest guitarists of all time? The originality? The fact that they did so much for charity? Oh its because they're old? You are dumb and wrong.

5) Any conservative of republican argument.

there really isnt a limit to human stupidity is there?

1 comment:

  1. I think the last one, you're way off. Or, well, the way you've phrased it. "Stupid right wing ignoramuses" would've sufficed because that portrays what they are. Not all are just complete idiots; some right wingers are pretty dafty people. Though, excellent post.
