Thursday 2 May 2013

old friends and new friends (ALSO comment with questions please; I'm doing a Q and A)

So in an earlier blog I talked about my life in Creuddyn and I said a lot about friends (not the over-played american sitcom) and so I thought I'd dwell on that, also tommorow is the last day so I'm gonna be very blunt and get a lot of shit off my chest.

Let's begin with the bad shit so then the good shit seems nice. My old friends.
It's safe to say that my old friends are cunts. Plain and simple. I resent them and I get angry at myself that I cant just cut ties with them because I am a massive pussy, these are the people that I spent year seven, eight and nine with. I'm still not going to use real names because I'm not sure if I can get sued.
(can I just point out that I will not mention friends who can take a fucking hint)

Let's start with...Let's call him...Leopard (I imagine that you will all figure out who these people are. DISCLAIMER: I do not hate these people, nor should anyone else, I just grew apart from them and if I dont take it out here it will remain on my chest forever.)

Yeah so Leopard. I didnt really know you until around year 9 when I started to go to the music room, and you were alright, you genuinly were awesome and I saw us as a double act. Then we were in the same science and that rocked. But then you moved to my damn Math class, and you just would not stop braggin' about how fucking well you did in a past paper. "I'm the only person who got in the 90's" NEWSFLASH! You're in set four. And I had sit there and let you comment not only on my intelligance but my persons and make me feel so fucking low about myself, and then you'd invite me to your house so you could just brag all night long about how awesome you and your life is/are. And how I suck and that my life sucks compared to yours. But now I realise, my life rocks.
 Having said all this, I dont hate you...I feel sorry for you, you lack so much depth and personality that you have to make up for it by telling me bull-shit stories about how you and your brothers put drawing pins on a go-cart and popped kids tires, 1) thats a dick move, not impressive 2) most kids will tell their parents who would tell the police.
 You have such low self-esteem that you have to crush everyone elses self esteem.

Next let's go to...Sanders. I was really that close to you but I do need to get this off my chest, you are not only a liar. You are sick in the head. You nearly killed a girl with a slate and you cut your cheek open with a slate over cherry-fucking-coke. And on top of that you strangled a girl until her neck was red and she couldent breath. I dont care what she might or might not have done. Its fucked up, get the fuck out of my life before you kill someone, cause I dont want to be interviewed by the police and 'dem finding my weed!

and finally....Wormtounge. Now this might be a little brutal but you need to understand what this guy did to me. You were one of the harshest people when I came to this school. You would belittle me and humilate me. You were also increadably guilty of being an arragont little shit, you sit there and compare out reports, laughing at my failures. What kind of scum-bag does that? You mock my weight and my physical appearance and my intellect to the point of me looking at myself in the mirror hating myself, and you knew that you did and you took pride in the fact that you could get me to that state. You constantly pick peoples insecurities and pick at them and pick at them until that person asks you to stop and then you continue, you also ruined my relationship with the only girl I've ever loved by inteltionally making me hate her and by spreading lies that caused everyone to turn againts me, why? Because you wanted me for yourself you disgustly selfish brat. Your views on homosexualality are devoid of any logic, you claim to be an Atheist then you say that homosexuals shouldent be married, on what fucking planet does that make sense you piece of shit! And on a rather personal note, I dont give a fuck what you did on the weekend you fucking attention seeker! I dont give a shit about red, blue, dead or whatever the fuck its called, get off your fucking high horse you stinky skinny prick. And can I just say, a boyfriend who lets his friends say the harshest things about his girlfriend (whether she hears it not) and then laughs along, doesnt deserve a girlfriend. You dont deserve a girlfriend at this current point in time until you get over your-fucking-self and realise that you are not better or smarter than everyone else, infact you are the one of the stupidest, most arragont, igrorant, obnoxious, crueliest and most vile person I've ever had the displeasure of being in contact with, I deleted you off facebook because when I leave I want no fucking connection with you what-so-ever. I cant wait to live a life without you doing that smug golf swing thing you do when you do something mediocre. Oh and by the way, just cause you dont like the taste of mint, doesnt mean you shouldent brush your teeth, Your breath is fucking vile.

Now onto the good stuff, I will write a paragraph for all my good friends.

Ulysses: You were one of my first ever friends, like...Ever.We have had our serious rough patches, we've had girls seperate us, we've had our own pride seperate us, hell we've had family members sepreate us (mainly mine) but y'know what. We're still standing, in English we're seen as a fucking double act! You're the guy who I can rave about cheesy films with, laugh at idiots with, gossip with, be clever with and get angry with. And I can feel it in my stank-bone, that if family members cant stop us from being friends...If girls cant stop us being friends...If you fucking choking me cant stop us being friends! Whats a school speration gonna do? Lets make the rest of our lives as Mega-Dega as Nic and Tristan.

Tomos: I can remember to this day as one of my most vivid memories this teddy-bear looking kid coming to my school and being super confuesed because you were the new kid. It's one of my fondest memories also. Because on that day, I made a friend for life. I am crying writing this because I didnt take the time out to appreciate what a glorious friend I had, and if I just spoke to you during my hard times things could of been totally diffrent. I am so proud of you, I have never been so proud as to see a guy I know grow into such a respectable, kind gentleman. And I wish I took the time out to appreciate what a friend I had. Thank you Tom, you are a hero in my eyes. And I will teach my future children to live like Tom.

Curtis: God where to begin? The day we met cause I cant remember that far back? Or shall we begin with the worst video of all time? Curtis of the dead. You cant spoof a comedy for fuck sake.
Curtis for as long as I can remember you have been a brother to me, I practically live at your house and we spend so much time together and I am never sick of your company, cause you are one of the very few people I know who honestly would never intentionally hurt someone. Ever. Everything, great or small that has happend to me, you were there with me every step of the way and I hope that you will continue to be. You and me are the true definition of guy love. I love you man.

Louise: Saving this one for last ;D. Where do I begin Louise? I know it was in year 9 and I know it was only two months, but to this day those two months were the greatest who months of my life, I dont regret anything from those two months, the onlt thing I regret is letting you go, but such is life. You introduced me into the world in a way, because before I met you I was so un-aware of the vastness of the world. You are the only girl I've ever loved, and in a way I will always love you. I will defiantly always be here for you and I will definatly always protect you. You are so beautiful inside and out and you shaped me into the guy I am today (take that as a good thing. I rock) So thank you for the being my first love, I couldent imagine anyone I'd rather be my first love.

There are countless more on this list who have featured previously. Fact is, these guys were with my through both primary and secondary and Louise is the only girl I've ever loved so....Yeah.

Thank you everyone who made this journey what it was, and I wouldent change it for the world.

ALSO: Comment any questions you have for me because if I have over like five I'll do a Q and A thing.


  1. Is there anything you think, with you and I, you'd go back and change? (Also, amazing post).

    1. Not in Creuddyn, I would of lied to you less in Primary. However I think our fallout was important to me personally cause it made me reflect on myself and made me a better person
