Friday 26 April 2013

7 flaws of Jacob Williams (Everything makes me sick)

This is based on TomSka's (or his second channel actually) video "7 flaws of Tomska" In which he listed his flaws to stop his haters finding them themselves, but there is no point to this other than that I need to blog and I think its important that you know this now rather than you finding them out yourselves.

1) I am a dirty liar: Yeah, I'm pretty sure I could in fact be a compulsive liar, I just lie about shit that isnt worth lying about, I would never lie about shit that is serious, in fact thats another flaw (see flaw 3) I would never lie about a family or personal matter, or anything that would upset or impact someone, but I will just lie about something that is totally not worth lying about, I was worst as a kid as Ulysses could vouche for, I would just lie...All the time, I've managed to create a fillter but stuff still slip through, its usually just small comments that are just total and utter lies, they just come out in little outbursts like tourettes and then I'm like "Why did I just say that?", this means I cant hold down a friend for a long time because people just get sick of my lies.

2) I am physically repulsive: Let's just women whince at my sight, I am overweight, I have bad teeth, bad hair, disapointing facial hair and even more disapointing body hair. I sweat more than a donkey does in the desert thus making me smell more than most people, something that most people have noticed.

3) I am super insensitive: I simply dont care about most peoples feelings because when people are sad its usually short term and they'll get over it, i'll be sensitive about stuff that isnt to joke about, but if someone is offended by something I said I just dont give no fucks because I dont care about their feelings, horrible I know. I also dont get upset a lot and I am not in the slightest romantic, I just find emotions as hurdles to get over sometimes because they get in the way of people doing what they want, however I do make a point not to repress my emotions, if I am sad and want to cry, I will. I just never want to, I guess I just dont feel like I deserve to be sad most of the time, sue me.

4) I hate stupidity:  I am tolerate with most things besides stupidity, when most people see ignorance on the internet, they laugh it off because its not worth it, which is true, its the right way to responde. I however lose it and I get really annoyed, I'm all like "Read a fucking book!". And everyone is like, dude chill. He's just an idiot, And im like "Graaargh!"

5) I am very controlling: with stuff I care about I get very controlling about it and I dont let anyone mess with my plan, for example me and Ulysses' film project, if people waste time I might just go ape shit, which is why its Uly's job to make sure people dont fuck about.

6) I get bored of people easily: most people when they spend a lot of time with someone get very annoyed and sick of that person and they leave them for a while and when they come back they're best buds again. Me on the other hand? Unless you're very special to me, I will get sick of you and I will fase you out until you leave my life. Insensitive? (see flaw 3) I just cant be bothered wasting time with people who I dont like, they suck, if I dont like them. They suck.

7) I am misrable: It's every other day that I am in a good mood, but more often then not something is bothering me, probaly something trivial and pointless to stress about,like that Spar were out of Ribena or that I put on the wrong underpants. I hate my tight superhero ones. Anyway, most people are explosive misrable people who go "Oh and not only that but the bloody bus is late!" like my friend Greg, I'm implosive I'll just sit on the bus like this

and then I'll just blank everyone out and then go home and vegtablise on the bed and go on my computer to be misrable again.

Well I hope you enjoyed me listing things that are wrong with me, I'm gonna go cry in a shower and bathe in my own urine.


  1. FYI, unless you were involved in a horrific car accident recently, you're not physically repulsive, in fact, nothing of the sort!

    1. May I ask who this is?

    2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    3. YOUR WORSEST ENEMY *cough* Oh, nobody. Just some old plasticine dog.
