Thursday 4 April 2013

The door. A horror story by Jacob Williams.

It happend on August 17th 1948.

My home in Oxford was destroyed in the war. It is truely undescribable, the feeling of seeing these things you bought yourself . These things you placed in certain places and assumed would stay there forever. Well, for the length of time you'd have the house. And now not only is it no longer there. But it is scattered and broken, like our country. Hm, intresting metaphor.

My new house was small...Much smaller than my original home. a sort of faded yellow colour wall with dark green pin stripes. Hard wood floor that creaked like an old man's voice. It was dreadfully cold. You saw your breath like it was your soul escaping. The maid brought Thomas in.
Thomas' mother died last month. So Thomas will grow without a mother, tragic. He's only four months old.
 Thomas cried as soon as he entered the house, I blamed the coldness. If only I knew.

It was five o clock when I found the door. I was checking any room and then I saw this door at the end of one of the corridors. I went the grab the knob and a feeling of cold water dripping down my back arrived, A familier feeling I got whenever something bad was about to happen.

The former occupants of this house was a family, The Green family. They left in 1925, leaving all there belongings. They even left the front door open. In 1928 The father and the mother were both committed to Yardport home for the mentally ill in Bristol due to paranoya, claiming they saw "the man" in the corner of their eyes and would scream bloody murder almost every waking hour, they said they screamed because he started to raise his arms slowly. In 1930 they both killed themselves. The mother broke her own neck by jamming it between the bed and the wall and jerking backwards violently so her neck snapped. The father banged his head againts the wall until he cracked his cranium and suffered internal bleeding. The two children. Susan and Harry were adopted by two diffrent families. Bless them they were only young. Harry was sent away for killing his adopted father with a pair of scissors. He cut his jugular directly. As if he knew. And Susan hung herself with her bed sheets. Tragic. You could imagine why no one lived here for all this time.

I slowly reached for the brass door knob. Feeling my heart pouncing out of my chest. I turned it in half a second and opened it to find a brick wall! Red bricks. How odd.

That night at half nine I was giving Thomas his last bottle...Of cow milk seeing that his mother....When all of a sudden a slow, eerie creak was heard. The maid left at eight so I was basically all alone. I held in my breath to prevent my breathing inturupting the noises I was hearing. Thomas cried strongly. Like her broke a bone or something. I couldent stop him I ran around the house looking for a phone so I could call my mother who would help. When he stopped. He stopped crying right in front of the door. His face was pale white, his eyes wide. I could feel his heart pounding. There was no brick wall...There was darkness. I slowly headed upstairs for the phone, keeping my eyes on the door, The stairs creeked almost identical to the door creak. I grabbed the phone and dialed my mother's number....It didnt ring. As I began pacing the phone fell of the table. The cord had been cut, upon furthur inspection I found it wasnt cut...But chewed. It was chewed. I paniced, worried about my son. I ran (still holding him) down the stairs to find that the door had been closed and I felt that all too familer feeling of cold water trinckling down my spine...I felt a presance to my left, almost like a breeze. I turned slowly, dreading what I would see. And there he was. A tall, thin pale man with no clothing, Yet nothing for me to tell it was a man. It would easily be a woman. His eyes gouged out, yet no blood. Just darkness. Like he was empty inside. His mouth was wide and it spread all over his face. Again just darkness. His fingers long and thin and sharp at the end. They moved slowly and nervously. I didnt get a look at his feet, I couldent bare it. All of my body froze, I have no idea what Thomas was like. The creature slowly leaned to the right. That creaking noise again. Was that creaking noise I heard the door? Or the man in my house. I let out a faint, dry cry as Thomas slipped out my arms. My eyes not leaving the creatures face. However in the corner of my eye I saw Thomas slide across the floor. Almost like he was being pulled and he slip up the fire place. After that. There was blackness. I awoke by the Maid shaking me asking me where Thomas was.

And now here I am in Yardport home for the mentally ill in Bristol. Apparently I stabbed Thomas and shoved him up the fire place. However I know it was the creature that did it! And I know what my name is! It's not Harry Green like the papers say! It'

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