Tuesday 16 April 2013

The Jester's emotional blankness: Finale.

The team of: Super Giant, The Jester, STD man, Pun man and Captain Mind-mash arrive at the conveniently named “generic Underground Layer here in Mars”. To Their happiness O’Leary is found at the entrance. “Guys! Come quick! They’re all dead!”  Everyone rushes including The Jester which is a surprise because he didn’t even ask about the Ice Cream Sandwiches.

They enter and everyone is still alive, they are bound and gagged but to the right of everyone is O’Leary trapped in an anti-super power field. Everyone gets a look of confusion while the O’Leary that led them there is laughing; he quickly morphs into Repressed Emotion “You idiots! O’Leary has been here the whole time!” Repressed Emotion yells. “I even made up a lie about the world history and you still fell for it!” O’Leary rolls his eyes.

“Well it doesn’t really matter seeing that we’re going to kill you now you stupid son of a *censored by comic code*” The Jester says pulling out his 45 magnum Desert Eagle, He takes a shot but Repressed Emotion is wearing some sort of armour. “You fool! Bullets are superfluous to my swallowed-sadness-armour!” Repressed Emotion laughs crawling over to his giant computer, a force field surrounds the team and all of a sudden Repressed Emotion shoots out a lightning bolt at Super Giant, Pun man, Captain Mind-mash, STD man and The Jester “Hey! I can’t move!” STD man yells.

“Yes. This will prevent movement for about a minute and a half!” Repressed Emotion says menacingly. “Why didn’t you just get one that will stop us from moving forever?”  Super Giant asks.

“I couldn’t afford that spell” Repressed Emotion answers, he presses a button on his dashboard, all of a sudden a force field surrounds everyone. “This is an anti-super power field!” Repressed Emotion says being all super evil and stuff. “Tatty bye!” He says leaving the room. All of a sudden a gas fills the room. The intercoms goes on, it’s Repressed Emotion. “Oh my, what have we here? Oh yes, it’s pnexiouside a poison that will kill you in twenty minutes! Again I couldn’t afford the quick stuff...But when this comes into action. Your entrails will burn and your organs will decay. Have fun” The Intercom turns off.

Everyone looks around. This is it. This is the end (well obviously not but its fun to be intense which brings me to another point, why in the Star Wars prequels did they bother making Obi Wan Kenobi have near-death situations, we all know he won’t die. Use those scenes with people who we don’t see in the originals! Anyway I’m getting off track). The Jester begins to panic “Don’t just stand there O’Leary! If it wasn’t for you getting your ass kidnapped this never would have happened!”

“Hold on I’m thinking” O’Leary responds “Yes...Yes I know about pnexiouside, it is a very rare element that has one thing that can counteract it.”

“For the love of god tell us!” STD man says.

“It’s quite vulgar” O’Leary says.

Captain Mind-mash gives him a look of “Are you kidding me”.

“Well it’s...It’s queef.”

Everyone looks at Mind-numbing Miriam. She spits out her gag, “No way.” She says.

The spell wares off so The Jester goes around and un-ties her. “Miriam please listen to reason!” O’Leary says. (I would make a reference here but only Tom would get it.

“There is no way I am queefing!” Mind Numbing Miriam says, desperate for the D.

“Miriam! I don’t want to die and I’m pretty sure you don’t want to either. So for god sake! Grow some balls and queef!” Says The Jester.

“How can I queef if I had balls?” Mind-numbing Miriam says, dry mouthed for the D.

“Just. Queef.” The Jester says, holding in his rage...And his D.

Min-numbing Miriam looks around “Why can’t they do it?” She says pointing at The Jesters sisters.

“They’re too young.” O’Leary adds.

Mind-numbing Miriam looks around. She has no choice other than to queef. “Okay, two conditions!”

Everyone nods. “One, you must turn around. Two, you tell no one!” Everyone agrees (although we all know The Jester will tell anyone he meets.) And alas, she queefs, she queefs again, and again and again and again until the whole room is full of the smell of...You guessed it queef. (Hi I’m 16 years old).

Everyone turns around and looks at Miriam with a look of disgust. “You told me to do it!” Miriam says defensively, needing the D. O’Leary grabs the intercom while the other guys untie the sisters.

“Hey we’re still alive, thanks to the magic of knowledge.”  The pounding sounds of footsteps are heard as Repressed Emotion storms in. “You idiots! What have you done! Do you have any idea how rare that was! You’re all dead!”

“How? You have a force field to prevent your actions?” Pun Man asks.

Without thinking Repressed Emotion turns off the force field.

“Wait, can I have one final word?” Pun Man requests.

“Very well” Repressed Emotions replies.

“Looks like you were FORCED into this situation!” Pun-Man says pointing and clicking his fingers.

Repressed Emotion flies back like Pun-Man just used the force.

“I guys you could says this isn’t SUPER!” He says again, Repressed Emotion flies back again.

Super Giant grabs Repressed Emotion like an American football “Blue thirty two, blue Thirty two, hut-hut!” He yells throwing Repressed Emotion into his mother board thus shocking him and impaling him with shards of glass and metal and plastic. He falls, Mind-numbing Miriam skips over to him “See they made me queef and after I did they just treated me liken3rhghgoghohgo4gh4g” She Mind-numbs. “Ah god! Make it stop!” Repressed Emotion yells, he attempts to get up but O’Leary and Super Liz are holding him down with their minds. STD man wanders over and touches Repressed Emotion’s arm, “Gonorrhoea.” He says. Captain Mind Mash tip toes over with a note that has been in his pocket for this whole time. He hands it too Repressed Emotion, he quickly reads. All of sudden Repressed Emotion violently vomits blood all over himself for about five minutes, when he is done Happy Hattie and MADdeline open up his protective chest plate. The Jester aims his gun directly at the heart. “Stay repressed.” The Jester says with a badass close up. He fires twenty shots into Repressed Emotions heart.


Everyone dances with glee. “We did it!” The Jester yells in happiness. “You saved me” Mind-numbing Miriam says cunningly. “I came for the Ice Cream Sandwiches.” The Jester responds

“Oh yeah then why didn’t you save them?” the Ice Cream Sandwiches have melted. “You untied me...But you let them melt!” The Jester is at a loss for words but then “Ew! Get away from me you queefer.” Mind-numbing Miriam just shakes her head and walks away to celebrate with the others.

But Repressed Emotion subtly grabs The Jesters gun and shoots him in the leg. “Ah!” He falls in pain.

Repressed Emotion then morphs, he grows triple in size and grows nine more extra limbs, he re-applies his armour. He voice booms all monster like “Now, feel the wrath of Repressed Emotion!” A football suddenly hits Repressed Emotions head; however this ball is made of metal and has spikes. It sticks in his head “Who kicked that!”  He screams in anger.  It’s The Jester’s dad http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=30tIIV2RoX0 He says being all badass. Miriam creams.

William jumps over to Repressed Emotion, Repressed Emotion takes a swing at him but he ducks, he quickly whips out his dark purple lightsaber and lobs off Repressed Emotions limbs. “Arrghh” He screams. William puts away his lightsaber and spins out a beauty of a guitar. Cranium steel and Copper boy appear out of nowhere and drool. William plays a moist riff http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RQPY0Lt1bds . STD man creams.

Repressed Emotion grabs a sharp piece of metal from his back and stabs Williams through the gut with it. “No!” The Jester yells in horror.

Before William falls he rips off Repressed Emotions head and throws it. Repressed Emotion dies and William falls. Captain Mind-mash jumps Repressed Emotions body.

The Jester quickly runs up to him crying. He holds him in his arms. “No William, please don’t die, please I only just got a dad please don’t leave me” Everyone surrounds them and Super Giant places his hand on his shoulder.

“Y-You were such a hero Jacob.” The Jester breaks down crying “I-I am so proud of you, you did so well. I had no idea that you were so powerful, I know you consider yourself evil, but your *coughs blood* tops in my book. No matter what anyone says my boy” He holds The Jesters hand and looks deeply into his eyes. “You’re a hero to me, I love you son.” William dies. The Jester bows his head in sadness and cries. Everyone comforts The Jester.

After awhile the gates open and the team leave. “So, back to my place for punch and pie?” Captain Mind-mash asks. “What about the Jester?” Pun-Man whispers.

“I’ll be fine.” He comments, Super-Giant hits Pun-Man on the back of the head.  “I’m gonna catch the next one.”

“Do you need company?” Mind-numbing Miriam asks.

“No.” The Jester responds walking away.

“I’ll never understand him” She comments.

Super Giant responds “I don’t think it’s a matter of understanding, I think its more tolerance. Remember that The Jesters life is more twisted and wrong as Captain mind-mash’s fantasies. It’s amazing he hasn’t done himself in yet. In a lot of ways The Jester is an anti-hero or even worst; a villain, but in more ways than not...He’s a hero. And a damn good one at that, every now and again people need to just remember that The Jester isn’t really a superhero, nor does he have awesome gadgets. He’s just had enough crappy stuff happen to him that he wants to prevent anyone else from going through it, and because of that. He’s more of a hero than we’ll ever be.”

The Jester walks away into the sun-set as this plays http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m3SjCzA71eM

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