Tuesday 30 April 2013

philosophy. (It's that simple)

Oh em gee! double-u tea eff!? Two blogs in one night, arnt you lucky?

Look, I'm not looking for a debate, I'm not here to argue my case for even say that there is or isnt a God. I'm just here to say what I believe:

Right, I like to think of myself as a simplicist. Basically my philosophy is dead simple. "If it doesnt harm anyone or yourself. Do it." and people always like to over-complicate things with "Yeah but that is too simple!" No its not. It works for any situation. ANY! This is a peacefull and simple philosophy and I dare you to try and poke holes in it. People just have this ridiculous idea that choosing a philosophy should be complex and life changing. It doesnt have to be, as me and Ulysses agreed, the best thing for you to do is not think about whether there is or isnt a God or whether there is a reason to life, because it will ironically ruin your life.

Now along with the "If it feels good, do it" sort of philosophy I am also an absurdist, I feel that a lot of the bullshit between the vagina and the grave is that...Bullshit. So enjoy it, dont end it early and sont ruin other peoples short time on earth. It's that simple. No no! It is.

Now the touchy subject of G.O.D. *gasp*. I am an Atheist, I am not an Agnostic or Apethetic. I just plain and simple believe in God in the same way I dont believe in fairies, I have nothing againts relgion or people who follow a certain religion as-long as those belifes dont impact the happiness of others, which is caused me to have a handfull of relgious friends, because of my easy going Atheist nature. Having said this I do feel Atheism is being oppressed, which is wrong. So is repressing any philosophy, but I feel it would be hypocritical for me to defend relgions I dont believe.

For example, why is it okay for relgious people to bombared Atheist songs on youtube because its full of hate (even if it doesnt have hate, which they dont) but if we complain about a religious song (which we dont) we get abuse for hating. Waddafuq?

But again, I'm not looking for theological debates.
Having said all this it is a dick-move to abuse someone for their relgious views. I will post atheist things on my facebook wall because its my views and if you dont like it, you can un-friend me. But I will never comment on a jesus-loving status with hate because thats fucked up, the same way as I wont pray in assembly because its a house of learning not religion, however if I go to the dodgeball thing on Fridays which is run by a church (so they're relgious) I will pray with them, and I will keep my mouth shut because I am their guest. The same thing goes when I get forced to go to church on Christmas because of my relgious family. I will pray and keep my mouth shut because I am not a hypocrit.
And you wanna hear something weird? Jesus is one of my insperations.
That's right. Althought I dont believe he was the son of God or even that he existed. I do believe that what he spoke of in the new testement was true and good. (No so much old testement) but I view it the same way that...Holden Caulfield is an insperation to me.
A fictional character who holds qualities which are close to my heart.
Jesus is a good role-model like Indiana Jones is.

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