Monday 29 April 2013

Things they dont teach you in school.

Hi, I am here to educate you on things that they didnt teach you in school (Jacob edition because I'm sure someone will do one of these or has already done this)

  1. School is a lie: firstly the teachers and other student who are older than you will constantly pump you fear (like the media) and tell you "Don't fuck up now, because if you fuck up now you're going to be a fuck up forever" althought I understand why they do this; its too risky to tell students "Y'know you might be a sucsess without doing well in school." Having said that they still shouldent say "DO ET RIGHT OR YOU GONNA BE A HOMELESS MAN!" They also tell you that every single thing that you want to be wont happen. And they dont even tell you subtly, they honestly go "You want to get into media? Ha! Not gonna happen look for a desk job in an insurance company."
  2. People are stupid and you shouldent care: Although it is "socially acceptable" to be nice to everyone, some people need to be told to shut the fuck up, I am currently telling people that I fucking hate them. Because they cant take hints. You shouldent care about peoples feelings if those people are dick-holes.
  3. Burning piss isnt always a bad thing: Every now and again pee will sting and we panic. We shouldent.
  4. (most importantly) everything between your birth and death is irrevelant. So you should just so totally have a good time. That doesnt mean you should make your life even shorter, thats stupid. Just dont try and please a dude who doesnt even exist. Dont try and impress people who arnt important to you, dont waste your time trying to buy the new Iphone. Dont take time to make sure that you dont offend anyone and make sure that no one hates you and most importantly dont apoligise for something you dont regret.

peace dudes, im off.

- Jacob/Everything makes me sick/ Three-legged-dog or my new title The expendable guy friend.

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