Wednesday 3 April 2013


Yeah, so I said I was gonna attempt to do a blog everyday, this is now an impossiblity.

Sorry about that but it was pretty late and sometimes I dont think very well when I am tired. As you can probaly see in my last blog The furthur into it you go the more spelling mistakes there are and it makes less sense, that is because it was done at half two in the morning. Note to self: Don't make late night blogs. And dont worry if you didnt read it. It was more or less the ramblings of a Madman.

Anyway back on track; There will be no blogs on Saturdays and most Sundays because I am at my dads house rather than my mothers house and I'm too lazy to bring all my laptop stuff, and its anti social because I only see that side of the family on the weekends. Another thing is that I probaly wont have the time because I will be looking after my younger siblings.

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