Thursday 4 April 2013

My personal views= Things I like...

Things I like that no one else like:
The idea of communism: It's the closet thing to true equality however it is a honey pot for crazy power hungry people who become dictators. Therefore it has a bad name.

Ricky Gervais: Everyone seems to hate him, however I find that he is truely a good person, think about all he's done for charity and because he makes a few jokes and expresses his opinion we should all hate him.

Jonathon Ross: I think he's awesome; where as all my family hate him, and think he's annoying. But they love Keith Lemon...Hmmm.

Things I hate that everyone else likes:

Psychic Sally: I dont believe in mediums in general. But everyone loves her because she's so "sweet". Yeah lying to a crying mother is really sweet. She uses this basic sugar coating as a way for people to not question her. "She's an evil scam artist", "Don't say that she's so nice!". Don't you think she knows this, if she's cunning enough to knowing lie and take money from people in peoples faces, dont you think she's horrible enough to have figured out that this "sweet" personality would cause her a little sympathy. She is evil and disgusting.

Christian Bale Batman and Bane: I think I am litrally the only person who didnt like "Dark Knight Rises". I did like "Batman Begins" and "The Dark Knight" however Bane spoilt this for me. Well, lets start with Christian Bale Batman, I dont know why Nolan casted him; He has no Bruce Wayne-ness what so ever. Also I dont know why Michael Cain was casted either, He's awesome but he definatly did not suit Alfred either! The casting is terrible in Nolan- Batman films. And dont get me started on Bane. I said as soon as we heard who the villian would be that it was a bad choice, and I still believe it. He is not a powerful enough character to support a lead antagonist role. Even if you make him talk and and make him more sinister and totally soil on the character in general. It's stil the same guy.

The olympics: It's boring, I dont care if you call me a traitor or a nazi or whatever ridiculous thing. I hate the olympics. At least the paralympics is funny! trololololololol.

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