Sunday 28 April 2013

It's time for some personal reflection! Oh yay!

So on Friday I went down to the beach with my good friend Ulysses and some guy called Tomos, I'm kidding he is also a good friend. Now me and Ulysses will constantly go for walks and talk about shit that is very trivial but we make out its a lot more intresting than it is.

Anyway so for the first time a new person was involved in our chat-walks, Tom. Which I am fine with because without realising Tom knows all of my intimate secrets; which is what makes him great, he never brings them up to the point when I didnt even notice that he knew. So we reached the beach and we sat outside Ulysses' "shed" as Tom called it, and we talked and drank hot drinks, when Ulysses (being the big personality he is) saw two kids who went to primary school with us and one new one and decided to go over and talk to them. Tom was reluctant at first.

Anyway, seeing that me and Ulysses are totally self indulged and selfish we filled two hours in telling them what the last five years of our lives were, and if you know us...You know this was quite a mouth full. I cant speak for Ulysses, but chatting about how "hard" and "over-whealming" my life is made me realise thatit isnt. What so ever. Yeah I got shit throw at my face in my life time. But its nothing when I re-tell it, it sounds fucking whiny, so first thing is I want to apoligise to people who've had to listen to me whine in self pity. I can promise it wont happen again...Unless, y'know...It's called for.

So what have I learnt. I've learnt not to whine about how diffiult my life was cause it was pretty fuckin' easy. No real bad shit happend, only shit that has happend to other people in the past, I'm not special enough to complain. Another thing is for me to prioritise my life, The friends I want to keep will stay; The people who I walk on the beach with and talk for hours, the people who let me say that I "hate" them and laugh it off because they know I'm joking, the friends who I can just call up and I say "Wanna hang out?" and the anwser is always "yes" if they're not busy, the friends who can tell about any emotions I feel because I know I can trust them. The people who I only talk to online but we can say the most fucked up shit to each other and it doesnt matter. The friends who know exactly what book would intrested my fucked up little brain. You know who you are.

And the people who put me down, who make me feel small, who accuse me of shit which if they knew me well enough would know is totally out of character, who have totally diffrent views and values. Arnt worht Jack-shit. Thus I want to correct one of my seven flaws, for I dont get sick of people easy...I get sick of pricks easy, most of friends right now I will stay friends with 'till the end. The others can quite frankly fuck themselves. And y'know what, I dont give a fuck what these pricks think, because I have the coolest fucking friends in the world, and I have a fucking easy life, so why I should I complain?

wow that was lame. I just hoped that the friends I refranced in here know its them I'm talking about.

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