Wednesday 24 April 2013

Super Giant and The Jester VS The KKK.

Deep in the depths of the underground porn casino The Jester was storming around the Office in an angry manor "Where the Freaky Friday is Mindnumbing Miriam!" He yelled.
"With Sleaze." Spud respondes dealing cards on the blackjack table.
"They're an intem now boss" Spoon adds tipping a stripper.
"Urgh, thats disgusting" The Jester says, almost coughing up his lunch.
He is about to walk away but the realsies "That doesnt explain why they're not here"
"They've gone on holiday" says Psycho serving cocktails.
"That is disgusting!" The Jester respondes grabbing his Desert Eagle. "Hold on, who's going to assist me?"
"I'll assist you!" Spoon yells putting his hand up.
"Ew, gross" The Jester respondes.

Meanwhile in the Giant Cave Super-Giant is relaxing in his giant chair which is moulded out of rock. When a distress call comes in. "Good Gasrtis Bypass! *click* This is Super-Giant!".
"Hey, Doctor Fro here man."
"Oh hey, what seems to be the problem?" Super-Giant asks.
"What exactly is my power?" He asks.
"Magic powers!" Super-Giant says on a whim.
"Yeah but wh-"
"Crrrhrhrhr oh sorry I'm going into a tunnel!" Super-Giant lies.
"But this is the Cave line?"
"S- I- -ant -unnel *click* phew, close one." Super-Giant says sipping his tea, because men drink tea.
"Oh my Cthulu! *click* Sorry I'm going into a tunnel-"
"Dude, It's The Jester and I taught you that trick. Mind-numbing Miriam has ran off with Sleaze."
"But she wants the D!"
"I know right! She's just trying to convince herself otherwise. Anyway, I need you come over and smoke some cigars with me cause I is bored."
"Can we watch Nic and Tristan Go Mega Dega?" Supe-Giant asks.
"I thought that went without saying"
"Be right there! *click*" Super-Giant leaps up and pulls up his trousers, he takes a huge gulp of his tea and then realises that its steaming hot and flaps about like a parapeligic being used as a marianet puppet.

He runs out of the cave and he takes one big step and is there. He then walks into the Underground Porn Casino (but isnt he a giant? Shut up.) He walks into The Jesters office who is sending a letter.
"Is that for Miriam?" Super-Giant asks
"Yeah." He says sounding sweet.
"What is it?"
"a picture of me doing this:
"Damn, thats ice cold" Super-Giant adds
"I know right, I can be cold if I want to!" The Jesters says clicking his finger like a ghetto rat.
"Let's have some Nic and Tristan Go Mega Dega!" Super Giant yells like a lady.
"Yeah!" The Jester respondes like a lady.
After the glorious hour and a half of NATGMD Super Giant and The Jester high five.
"Yes!" Super Giant growls
"It gets better everytime!" The Jester yells
an awkward silence hit the duo.
"Now what?" Super-Giant asks
after a while The Jester has a suggestion "Oh em gee! Let's go on the KKK website!"
Super-Giant looks confused "Um. Why?"
"cause its fun to watch people being ignorant and stupid!" The Jester says going on the computer
"Oh so its like watching TheAmazingAtheist!" Super-Giant says They both yell.
"wow look at this!" Super-Giant says in amazment.
"I know, shoking right?" The Jester comments

They stumble on this however todays episode isnt about why Maramaduke supports Minorityism. It is this

"Hi, welcome to the Andrew Show, My name is Andrew. So the other day I was standing on this bridge and I almost fell, now I was waiting for Pun-Man to save me, but no. I was saved by Doctor Fro, this is bad because black people are being allowed to be super heroes! What is this? Is this what this white world has become!?"
The Jester turns off the video. "Who the hell does this little bitch think he is!?" The Jester yells putting out his cigarrete on Spoons head.
"Wait theres more!" Super Giant yells clicking on the home page. "Jesus! Its a bunch of people wanting Dr. Fro's head...And mine! Because I am not white!"
"You act pretty white " He yells.
Super-Giant ignores this. "They're saying they're coming for you and Captain Mind-mash and STD man because you are sinners!" Super Giant yells
Suddenly The Jester cares "What!? Oh my god! What about Pun man!?"
"They love him." Super Giant says, this gets awkward because the Klu Klux Klan like Pun-Man.
"Lets go for them!" The Jester yells as they run out and super hero music plays They jump into the D mobile, they drive off really fast looking mega badass as the music plays. Just listen to the music and imagine the awesome driving montage that would play. Yeah, listen to this while imagining that. You done? Okay good.

They arrive at America...And they jump out of the car. Super Giant clicks his knuckles and does his lunges, The Jester flips open the trunk of the D mobile Oh yeah. (The music still plays by the way) The Jester cocks every gun and puts them on his persons. He then grabs the last thing in the trunk, his cigarretes and lighter, he puts one in his mouth and lights it in slow motion and the smoke is blown and its so badass that every girl within a three mile radius got inpreganted. The heroes line up in front of a church with a banner saying "Knights party meeting: invatiation only". Super Giant turns to The Jester.
"I forgot my invatation."
they walks towards the building doors. Super Giant nods at The Jester, the Jester cocks his m4 carbine and kicks open the door. "Imma go Martin Luthur King on your asses." Everyone looks terrorfied. They are all wearing the white robes. Andrew is reading a presentation on the stage, when he spots them he runs away. The Klan members stand up all holding machetes and baseball bats with pins sticking out of them. There is a badass close up on The Jester's eyes, the camera follows down to his mouth, he smirks.
Super Giant leaps over and kicks many KKK fags at one time, it is like super badass, on the other side of the church The Jester shoots a bunch of racist scum. Super Giant throws one of them into a wall and then yells "Suck the fourteenth amendment Mutha *censored by comic code*"
Suddenly Super Giant gets shocked by a cattle prod and he falls, the racist who did this lifts her hood, it is Shirley Phelps-Roper, the most hated woman on earth and The Jester's arch nemesis. "You dirty whore! How did you escape the abyss I threw you into in issue 45 of The Jester!?" The Jester yells
"I used the time fluxer that you got off O'leary as a reward after defeating Insomnia in Issue 37 of The Jester!" Shirley Phelps-Roper yells kicking Super Giant.
"How did you get it!? I destroyed it in Issue 40 of The Jester after the problem when I fought George Lucas' Neck!" The Jester yells back
"Dont you remember Issue 1 of The adventures of Shirley Phelps-Roper?"
"Why would I read that?"
"Anyway, it explains that I have the ability to see events around the world and travel there! So I stole the Time Fluxer!" Shirley Phelps-Roper says boring everyone.
"Why didnt you just go back in time and like, change the course of history?" The Jester asks
"I was suppose to do that, it was first on my list but I...Um.....Forgot....But I still have it on me so I can do it soon!" Shirley Phelps-Roper yells then she laughs cruely.
A flash of light appears and The Jester of the future appears and gives Super Giant an axe that already has blood on it. "Kill her now!" The Jester screams.
Super Giant hacks at Shirley Phelps-Ropers leg, she falls in pain and screams, she grabs the axe but before she can do anything some...Um...Magic! Hits her arm and its burns to a crisp, she screams in pain and passes out.

Dr. Fro stand there with some...Magic, glowing in his hand "You guys looked like you needed help."
"Yeah they did!" Future Jester says picking up the axe and the Time Fluxer. He disappears in a flash.
"Um" Dr, Fro murmers.
"Dont ask" Super-Giant says standing up. Suddenly loads of Klan members surround everyone, Dr. Fro gets his....Magic ready, Super Giant kicks Shirly Phelps-Roper to the side and The Jester lights a new cigarrete and cocks his Desert Eagle. Each hero fires off to a diffrent section of the Klan.

Dr. Fro grabs on Klan member and whispers into his ear "I'm dating a white chick" The member grabs his revolver and shoots himself. Then Dr. Fro shoots some...Magic...At a huge crowd of Klan members. Super Giant kicks a bunch of Klan members out the way...This is pretty easy for him to be honest. The Jester shoots a bunch of members of the Klan but then he stops, he hears a Rhotacism. He knew that Andrew was around. He leaves the battle and runs up the steps into the bell tower, he accidently knocks over a candle stick and quickly sets the lower saloon on fire. Dr. Fro and Super Giant run out and locks the door so the Klan will burn, and then they realise that The Jester is still upstairs.

The Jester hits the Fire Alarm so that the sprinklers will come on, they do but it does almost nothing, he then grabs the fire axe next to the alarm. He runs upstairs he then slows down when he see's Andrew standing there next to the bell "Your time is up." Andrew turns around (This scene is badass because 1) There is fire downstairs so it gives it a firey glow, also if they fall they die 2) The sprinklers are on so it gives that badass rain effect.)

"You think you're a threat to me? God will protect me." Andrew says.
"Dude, I dont even believe in God and I know he thinks you're an asshole." The Jester says lifting his axe.
"Are you going to use that barbaric weapon on a child?" Andrew says throwing a samurai sword at The Jester and then he pulls out his own "Let's fight like men." He says holding his own one up.
The Jester picks up his sword, he looks it up and down and throws it at Andrews feet, it hits the creaky wooden floor underneath him, Andrew falls but hold on the a pillar, he is near flames.
The Jester walks over and looks down at him.
"Please save me, I have seen the error of my ways, please I'm a child. I have a family please." Andrew cries like a pussy.
The Jester grabs his Jack Daniels from his Jack Daniels pocket and takes a sip, he then pours the rest on Andrew so that he would catch on fire, Andrew cries. "I dont have a family." The Jester says all badass like. Andrew whinces but The Jester grabs him and picks him up. "Now you know what staring into Hell is like."

Little did The Jester know that Super-Giant was standing right behind him. "Wow, that was so heroic, now let him live." but before Super-Giant could finish his speech The Jester had already begun hacking away at Andrew, he goes at him for like twenty seconds and Andrew is just  a pulp of guts. "Or do that." Super Giant finishes.
They both leave the burning church which falls apart behind them, The Jester puts his hands in his pockets reaching for his cigarretes, they arnt there, instead is the Time Fluxer, he looks at Super Giant and then types in the time that he saved himself.

A flash of light appears and The Jester of the future appears and gives Super Giant an axe that already has blood on it. "Kill her now!" The Jester screams.
Super Giant hacks at Shirley Phelps-Ropers leg, she falls in pain and screams, she grabs the axe but before she can do anything some...Um...Magic! Hits her arm and its burns to a crisp, she screams in pain and passes out.

Dr. Fro stand there with some...Magic, glowing in his hand "You guys looked like you needed help."
"Yeah they did!" Future Jester says picking up the axe and the Time Fluxer. He disappears in a flash.
He re-appears where he was.
"What shall we do with the Time Fluxer?" Super Giant asks

Whaaa Cliffhanger! This plays in the background of the credits.

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